Here at DWD and Bible4us, we once provided a New Christian Package via snail mail for anyone interested. We have since had to stop sending by mail and now offer internet links and downloads instead. Please find these links below. If there is something not offered in these links below that you would like to see offered, please email me and let me know so I can look into having it offered. Also, if any of these links below fail to work, please take the time to let me know that.

Thank you for your interest in the new Christian Package and here are your links:

Check back for printable Christian Bookmarks after October 10, 2009

Get an Online Bible: Bible Gateway
Bible Study help Online: E-Sword
Inspirational Pages: DeAzinez by DeA
Christian Music: Christian Music
Highly Recommended read: Now That I'm A Christian
Participate in Christian Chat: Christian & Christian
Good General Resource for all Christians: Lord's Haven
Various Bible Studies Online: Bible Study Online
Christian Graphics to inspire: Christian Graphics
Christian Online Games: Bible Trivia and Games
Christian Devotionals Online:
Net Ministries
................................................. Christian Fellowship Devotionals
................................................. Acts Ministries Christian Evangelism

Find a Church in YOUR area

Suggestion: Buy a notebook or journal and pencils/pens. Log daily any notes and answered prayers. After several months, go back through and you will see things you might not have noticed as they happened. Enter these revelations into your notebook as well!