Song, "Doxology"

Going to church. It is important it is to go to church. Not just on the special holidays, but to be a part of a local fellowship of believers all year long. Going to church and belonging to a local body of believers IS NOT AN OPTION. Read the scripture above from Hebrews. This is God telling you NOT to stop meeting together. Even in the early church this had become a problem. Never forget the church is NOT a man-made idea, it is a God-made idea. This is another way God has provided for His children to remain strong, and live productive, victorious lives. There are many raionales for not going to church and the only one that is valid is when you are physically unable to attend. By the way, sleeping in does not count as physically unable to attend.
***Not going to church is living in rebellion to God's will for your life.

The reason that God has made this part of our life with Him, is to stay on track, there are several basic things that we MUST do. We MUST pray and we MUST read the Bible every day. We also MUST be part of a local fellowship, because it is in that local fellowship we are spiritually fed and nurtured. It is in that local fellowship we make friends with other believers. It is in that fellowship we usually find ways to serve the Lord. It is in that fellowship we grow spiritually!!!

There is not, never has been, and never will be a perfect church because a church is made up of imperfect people, from the pastor on down. That is a fact. For those of you looking for a church home, the best advice that I can give you is to pray, find a place where the Word of God is preached in an uncompromising way, find a place that is not operating in contradiction to the Bible (example: A church that promotes an unscriptural lifestyle such as homosexuality, or a church that does not accept the basic tenants of faith such as the virgin birth, who Jesus is, the work on the cross). Find a place where you feel that you can grow spiritually as well as serve the Lord.

Church attendance is important to your life and relationship with the Lord. You will never grow spiritually without this being part of your life. It is also a reason that many are struggling in their life. I realize that some of you have been hurt in the past by a church. DO NOT let your past experiences get in the way. That is a ploy of satan who wants you out there all alone so that you are an easy target. There is safety in numbers.

Bro Bill Keller (paraphrased)


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