Women, the word for you today is, "Quit holding back." It has been very easy for women to take a lesser role and stay in the background of spiritual things. Tradition and society has actually encouraged that. I am a firm believer in the Biblical roles of men and women, which means that women have an incredible role to play and sometimes have backed off serving the Lord because of how it might be viewed. While the Bible teaches men and women have separate roles, it also clearly teaches they are 100% EQUAL!!! All throughout the Bible and history, women have been a key part in every aspect of God's work.
It is time to stand up and be counted ladies. It is time to quit sitting back and start being more aggressive in finding ways to serve. God is speaking to you today to be the woman of God He has raised you up to be. He has given you special gifts and expects you to use them. His admonition for not wasting talents applies to women as well as men. It is time to start using those gifts because ultimately, the only one that you have to please is God. God loves you and God wants to use you. Make Him proud by being the woman of God He has raised you up to be.
I am praying for you men to encourage the women in your life and support them
as they serve God. I am praying that you women will really open your heart today
and be motivated to serve the Lord with all of your heart and talents. God has
blessings beyond anything that you can imagine as you are obedient and faithful
to His call on your life. This is a wake-up call and challenge to boldly move
forward in that calling, knowing He is with you every step of the way. As the
entire Body of Christ (men and women working together with their God-given abilities)
begins to take serious the calling God has on their lives, we will see many
lives changed and souls come to know Jesus as their Savior. In these last days,
God needs all of his children, working diligently and without compromise as
the last harvests are made. I believe Jesus is coming soon, and all of God's
people, men and women must be working hard. Don't let anything stand in your
way today of your service to Him!
In His love and service,
Your friend and brother in Christ,
Bill Keller