Are you a stepping stone or stumbling block? One of the ways of gauging
your spiritual maturity is when you start analyzing your actions in relation
to how others view what you do and say. There are many ways to accomplish the
same thing, and it becomes very important for us to recognize that others
are watching what we do and listening to what we say. There is no greater
testimony, no greater way to witness, than the way you live your life before
others. It is your most powerful way of expressing the Christ that lives in
you. Becoming a Christian entitles us to many great and wonderful benefits.
It also comes with responsibility. As a Christian, you are now responsible
to live a life before others that is an example of our Lord and Savior Jesus
Christ. What you say, how you live before others can either be a stepping
stone in their relationship with Christ or a stumbling block.
A few weeks ago I spoke about drinking. In the Bible, there is no verse or
passage that says drinking is a sin. There are many scriptures that tell us
drinking in excess is a sin. Anything in excess, no matter how good, can
become sin. Using drinking as an example, one reason I advocate abstinence
is that drinking may not be a sin, but it could be a stumbling block for
someone else. That glass of wine with dinner at a restaurant is not a sinful
However, someone at the next table may be prone to excessive drinking, know
you are a Christian, and justify their excessive drinking on the fact that
you drink. We know that is insane logic and makes no sense, however, that
is exactly what the Bible is talking about when it speaks of being a
stumbling block. We need to be aware of the things we say and do because others
be watching and listening and we want them to see the Christ in us. Again,
everyone is responsible for their own choices and actions, but the Word
clearly tells us we have a responsibility to be a stepping stone for others,
not a stumbling block.
Now this in no way means we should ever compromise the Word, or candy-coat
the truth so others will not be offended. The Bible speaks of the Gospel
being offensive to many because it is absolute truth that many will never
accept. This does mean though, that we need to be aware of the people
around us, and without compromising, try to help them further their walk or
to find a relationship with Christ. That is what being a stepping stone is all
about. I pray today, that you will become more aware of your daily
conversation and activities, especially in regard to how others see and hear
you. Be aware they watch and listen, and let them never doubt that Christ
dwells within you. How you live, the things you say, will either be a
stepping stone or stumbling block to those you come in contact with each
It is no accident you work where you work, go to school where you go to
school, shop where you whop, play where you play, live where you live. God
has divinely placed you where you are to be a light, an example, a stepping
stone in the lives of those you come in contact with each day. Take this
responsibility very seriously and let others see and hear the Christ that
lives within you.
I love you and care for you deeply. I will be praying for you today. Be
richly blessed as you go forth to be the stepping stone the Lord has raised
you up to be.
In His love and service,
Your friend and brother in Christ,
Bill Keller