Is homosexuality really a sin? If you accept the Bible as the inspired,
inerrant Word of God this is a resounding yes. Not out of some homophobic
fear, or out of ignorance and intolerance, but because God clearly defines
this activity as sin. There is a vast amount of scripture referring
directly to a man/man or woman/woman relationship being sinful. Rather than
using those passages, I chose today to use a passage from Paul's letter to
the church at Thessalonica. It is here that the Bible simply states
fornication is a sin. Just in case you thought today's Devotional was going
to be a tirade against homosexuality, you are wrong. You see, homosexuality
is clearly a sin. But as per the definition of fornication, sexual
relations between two people who are not bound by marriage, anyone who
engages in sex outside of a Biblical marriage (one man, one woman) is
committing sin. There is absolutely no gray, it is very black and white.
While we are quick to point to homosexual behavior as sinful, and we
acknowledge adultery as sinful, we also must understand that any type of
sexual activity between two people who are not married is just as sinful.
Having sex with a schoolmate, someone you work with, or whoever the other
person may be is a sinful act. I am working hard to drive this point home
because many in the church, many good people who know Christ and are saved,
are also living a sinful lifestyle when it come to their sexual activity.
Like every other aspect of our life, we must come under the Word of God and
abide by God's plan for our sex life, just as we must do that in our
finances, our health, and every other area of our life. If you haven't
gotten the message yet, living together without being married is just as
much of a sin in God's eyes as those living in a homosexual lifestyle.
What this ultimately means is choosing what you want for your life. God's
blessings, or the heartache and pain of living in rebellion to what God has
ordained for our life. I do not have to even ask those who have been
involved in illicit affairs and sexual activity outside of the bounds of
marriage the consequences of those choices. I read the thousands of emails
daily. Abortions, broken homes, children without a traditional family unit,
pain and heartache when things "don't work out", and on and on and
on it
goes. As I have pointed out so many times. God has given us free-will to
make our own choices. He has given us the instruction manual on how to live
life His way. When we choose His way, there are blessings, and peace, and
contentment. When we choose our way there is pain and heartache and
destruction. Again, it is your choice, but God loves you and has tried to
show you His way in very plain and simple terms via His Word.
I really do love you and care about you. I am so glad God gives me the
opportunity to share each day a word that will challenge you and encourage
you to be all that He has raised you up to be. The Christian life is one of
balance and one of obedience. We can do so well ins some areas, yet fall
short in others. My goal is to get you to do an entire inventory of every
aspect of your life. Note those areas where you re doing well in following
God's will, and those areas you need to work on. God will help you,
strengthen you, and guide you when you are open and willing to do it His
way. I pray today that you will open your heart, and find the strength only
He can provide you to rise above the desires of this world, and make your
heartfelt goal each day to die to self and live for Him!
In His love and service,
Your friend and brother in Christ,
Bill Keller